Wednesday, November 27, 2013

36: Chess @ Island Garden Walk -Thu 28 Nov 2013

Today's chess session saw Baba Matthew Ho join Albert Ong & Woo Lam Sang in their monthly chess match.

An interesting position in Woo (White) vs Ong (Black)

If 1.PxP RxP! 2.QxN? RxP+ 3. RxR QxQ

The game ended in an agreed draw.

Woo vs Baba

Baba vs Ong

35: Chess @ PMC GYM - 27 Nov 2013

A Ong & W Lim played 2 games today. Lim won the 1st game, while the 2nd game was abandoned at closing time.

Looking on was Andrew Wee, GYM Chairman.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

34: Chess @ PMC GYM - Wed 20 Nov 13

A Ong and W Lim played a game today.

The diagram below shows the end game position. Can you complete the game and decide who wins?

Well, it's obvious, isn't it?

N-B8 seals the fate of Black!

Here's the solution for those who asked me about it.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

33: Chess @ PMC GYM - 6 Nov 13

Result of A. Ong vs W. Lim: Game 1: Draw, Game 2: 1-0.

In this line up, Black went on to mate White at the end game.