Wednesday, January 30, 2013

9: Chess @ Island Gdn Walk - 31 Jan 13

Woo and Ong played their monthly chess match this morning. 2 games were played. Woo, being in top form, won both games.

8: Just remembered an old friend

Yes: just remembered an old colleague and friend, Lee Thiam Lock, who taught me how to play chess in 1959. He's the guy on the right. So long ago!

Also: at that time, there used to be a Chess column written by Prof Lim Kok Ann in the Straits Times.

7: Chess @ PMC GYM - 30 Jan 13

Two games of chess were played this afternoon.
In the game above, W Lim played White. A Ong played the Sicilian Defence and won the game after promoting a passed pawn.

In the game below, G Wee used the Bishop's Opening against A Ong. But G Wee lost the game after making a few tactical errors.

Friday, January 25, 2013

6: Chess @ PMC GYM - 23 Jan 13

A Ong (White) was within an ace of mating W Lim (Black) when the bell for closing time went. Thus it was a draw.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

5: Thomson CC Chess Club Championship

Bumped into the Thomson CC Chess Club championship this evening. Around 90 contestants took part in the Seniors and Juniors divisions.They have been there since morning, playing 7 rounds of 25-minute games.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Friday, January 11, 2013

3: Old Chess Kaki from SES

Donald Koh, an old chess-playing colleague from SES rang me today. In the chit-chat we decided to have a game of chess after his op for a back condition, ie: after 13 Feb. And I'm looking fwd to it!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2: Chess @ PMC GYM - 2 Jan 13

The game between W Lim (White) and A Ong (Black) saw the Sicilian Def played against P-K4.

In the opening, White lost a pawn, but recouped in the middle game to win a rook for a knight.

Finally, White got the better of the situation and forced Black into a mate. Well done, W Lim!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

1: The ante - 1 Jan 13

W Lim jokingly SMSed me on New Year's Day:
He had previously lost 3 games to me @ 1 can of coke each, and seeks to do a fast one on me!

I replied: "FYI: following Obama's fiscal cliff, d debt is multiplied 3X. So I shal b pleased 2 reciv 9 bots asap!"

On our chess playing day, ie: a Wed @ PMC GYM,I SMSed him this :

His reply was "I shall be a bit late."

Ok, he's coming, anyway!